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Mistakes are great

Mistakes are meaningful

We learn from our mistakes

Mistakes teach us more then anything else does

Mistakes is what makes us the better version of who we are now

Mistakes are the best thing ever

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SOL Tuesday

Have you ever had the best day ever and it got a LOT worse, because I have. One day I was having a really fun time at the pool and my mom said that I had to get out of the pool, I was begging my mom for at least 10 minutes if I could stay at the pool. By the way, this happened when I was like 5 . My mom said, “That’s it!” my mom picked me up out of the pool and all the way to the car. At this point I was this baby Ritvik just crying my face off in the car on the way home. Once my mom and I were about halfway there, I asked my mom if I could play on her phone, she said yes. Once my mom gave me her phone I started watching this video that if for young kids. In like 5 minutes my mom said that we where there. I got out of the car and once I closed the door, I felt a sharp twinge on my left thumb and I looked at my thumb. My thumb was caught in between the door and the body of the car. I saw blood coming out of the car. Luckily my mom saw me quickly and opened the car door. My mom called my dad immediately and told him to go to the hospital as soon as possible. It felt like 10 hours before I was at the hospital. I had to get my thumb numb to pull the finger nail off so it can heal.

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Just a Couple Quotes and Phrases for Some Motivation

“The best way to predict the future is to create it” -Unknown

“If you cant fly then run, if you cant run then walk, if you cant walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you better keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King Jr.

“Take a breath, its just a bad day, not a bad life.”-Unknown

“When you think of quitting, think about how you started”-Unknown

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Slice of Life

There is a video game called Forza Horizon 3, it is a really fun game which has almost all the nice cars in the world and you race around Australia and go really fast. I love this game because you can drift and that means when you can control-ably slide sideways around a turn in a car and make it out of that turn alive. One day when I was playing that game I saw a car called the BMW isetta which I like to call “The Bubble Car”, the BMW isetta looks like this.

Image result for BMW ISETTA

So when I saw this car I laughed so hard. The funniest part of this is that the guy driving that car customized it so it could do wheelies and it looked similar to this.

Image result for BMW ISETTA doing wheelies in fh3


I was dying of laughter once I saw this guy doing wheelies in this car. I had the car called the Ford F-50 which is a really big pickup truck and what I did was, I hit “The Bubble Car” and he went flying about 40 to 50 feet and the speed I hit him was 140 mph. There was a pond behind him which he landed in and I cracked up so hard and I lost it for like a whole minute.

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Our Class Mission Statement


A couple days ago my teacher said that we are going to do a mission statement for our class and we could choose our groups. So what we did is, we did a rough draft which wasn’t the best. The teacher said we could share ideas from the other groups and so that is what we did. Later we created our own individual statement.


I personally really liked the idea of the mission statement because it motivates others in our class to try to do our best. The worst part and the hardest part of the mission statement idea was thinking of what to write in the rough draft because thinking about what to write.


Now what I will show you is the whole class mission statement which is for the whole class. This statement is what the whole class did.


Every day, English opens a new chapter. I will pick up my books and pens and take down the monster that is known as doubt.  In English there is no limit to what you can write or what you can read. I will explore new ideas in my daily writing with creativity. I will listen and be involved for the better of the class.


This room is where we are on the same team, so we will forgive and understand because everyone has a story. We express ourselves with confidence. Staying focused and showing kindness to others will be the key to success for this year. This is the room where you can be yourself.

Be kind to everyone, everywhere, every day.


We’re savage–no one can change that. In the end there is one thing you need to take away from this class, and that is…… YOU CAN DO IT!


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How I fell of my bike


A couple days ago I was riding my bike on a skating rink and I had a lot of fun going fast on the straightaways and going slow in the turns. My friend who was riding with me said that we should have a water break before we leave, I said sure and I started to turn around. While I was turning around I saw a puddle of water and then in an instant I was on the ground.I couldn’t breathe, walk and, see for a minute or two. Once I tried to get up I almost collapsed as soon as I was actually standing, I got on my bike and I slowly rode a long mile home. Once I got home I thought I was gonna be in trouble because I was an hour late. Once my mom saw me and she said, “WHERE WERE YOU” I said, “I fell of my bike and i got a big bruise on my leg” as I was showing my mom the bump on my leg. My mom said to eat dinner and then put Neosporin on my leg and then go to bed. In the morning i wanted to check the bruise on my leg, and it was blue, my dad said that if the bruise on my leg was blue it would mean that there was a blood clot. Over time the bruise got better but it took a  week or two and now the bruise is gone.